Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Savvy:我的第一次Beer Run!My First Beer Run in Hong Kong!

I'm always excited trying out new things and last week we took a new work out challenge - Beer run! You may curious about beer run and so do I. I have never heard about beer run before and it was my first participation. Beer run is very popular in UK, USA, New Zealand etc, but I think this is the first time they made it in Hong Kong, so I didn't really think a lot when I saw their post on Facebook and I was like "Yeah, let's just do it!".

Savvy喜歡接受不同的挑戰,在上星期我們嘗試了一個全新的運動:Beer Run。大家應該都會很好奇Beer Run到底是怎樣一點事,我也不例外!Beer Run在外國非常流行,之前也沒聽過香港有類似的比賽,我也不太清楚這次的活動是否首次舉辦,但是看到它在Facebook上照出廣告的時候已經急不及待找人組隊參加!

Last week's beer run was held by Mad One, a local run crew. Each of the team has to be formed with at least a woman. It requires each of the participant runs 400m and goes ahead with 330ml (Women) /500ml of beer (Men). What you need to do is to down a beer as quick as you can, the quickest will win the game.

Beer Run是由一隊熱愛跑步的本地團隊Mad One舉辦,每一隊比賽隊伍需由四人組成,必須包括一名女性,並以接力形式進行。每一名參賽者在跑完400米後需要喝下330毫升(女)/500毫升(男)的啤酒,最快完成整個比賽的隊伍勝出。

I used to run 8k for every work out plus I'm okay with beer, so I didn't really think a lot when I saw the event. I thought it's easy but turned out wasn't something I expected. 

有跑步習慣的我通常會在每次練習的時候跑大約8公里,而且啤酒對於的來說易入口,所以看到Mad One在網上招募參賽者的時候沒有考慮就報名了,但原來完成整個比賽一點都不容易!

8:45 pm me and my crew arrived Central Pier 10 and we warmed up ourselves a bit and did some selfies. We were very surpised that one of the organisers told us our team is the only girls team among all the others. 


Event started at 9:00 pm. Can you spot me? 


Photo courtesy of Mad One.

I was fast at the beginning, but my legs were no longer able to speed up when I arrived the U-turn point. It was tough getting back to the starting point and I couldn't believe beer is still waiting ahead!


Drinking fast is the most challenging part ever in the race. Once it is finished, you'll have to put the can above your head and let people knows the can is empty. Otherwise, time will add up to your score. 


Our team placed 11th among the 21 teams. We were encouraged with a hand painted bag by Mad One since we were the only girls team! Yay!

最後的們在21隊中排第十一名,因為是唯一一隊全女子所以得到了安慰獎,一個印有Mad One的布袋!

And here's a picture of all the participants. Thank you Mad One for the great night, we have had so much fun!

非常感謝Mad One舉辦這次比賽,希望將來會有更多同類活動讓大家參與!

Mad One also organise regular training and a variety of athletic event, you can check out more from their Facebook.

Mad One定時都會舉辦跑步的活動及訓練班,有興趣的話可以瀏覽他們的Facebook

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